Saturday, July 25, 2009

Are you seriously not very afraid?

Holy shit..
The police acted "stupidly" I have a few things to talk about in that vein....
First of all what is the president doing paying attention to a measly un-newsworthy incident in Cambridge Massachusetts? AND saying it out loud??The guy, whoever he may think he is, is another person who chooses to mouth off in a post 9/11 world where the police aren't taking the shit anymore. If you aren't a bad guy, why NOT tell them who you are? What are you hiding? I think you were antagonizing them for your own personal agenda! I was afraid the race card (Politically correct here) was going to start being at the forefront of every f-ing newstory, every criminals mouth is gonna be spewing that phrase. Are there not so many bigger, more important things for the president to be speaking about? Caring about? worrying about?? That race crap is so out of vogue, so 1950's, just let it go, people, it's passe' over,!! We are all in the mixed American bag now!!
What about the 101 other things this country is strangling from?? Please pay attention, Mr President, there are those of us out here who care and are watching to see what in the world is gonna happen to us next!!! Remember, people trusted in you and your words.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Oh what a night...

What a fahking shitty night I had!! You know the kind... when everytime you turn around some man's EGO has been spanked and the shit hits the fan like there is no tomorrow!! Waa waaa grow a pair and move on!! I am so tired of tiptoeing around men with touchy ego's. Just do YOUR job right and I won't have to get in your face while doing mine!!!!! ARGGGGGGGGG ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... whew I feel just a bit better now, thank you!!
I feel the need to go to the range today...............................................See full size image

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

When pigs fly?? guess they are flying now.....
Mix Avain Flue and Swine Flue.. pigs flying alright...