Friday, June 19, 2009

The making of a seriel killer?

Does he look like a killer??
The fuhker was arrested in Florida for killing 19 cats..... 19 cats? Sick little piece of rotten humanity...Isnt that where it starts? Next it will be hookers, then the sky's the limit... can you say death penalty ?

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


OH no A Brett Michael's female version??
Just saw an ad for this....Oh please spare me from another Reality show WTF! What I wanna know is whose fuhking reality are they talking about? NOT MINE!!!!!!!!!! Nor anyone I know.... so who watches these trailer park STD spreadin' love fests anyway? And who the hell is Daisy?
Hysterically we have gone from the miss and mister goody two shoes of The Bachelor to the smut and slut of Rock of love and now Daisy! Oh I can almost see the promo now for the next rung of the ladder, since they've just about covered all the walks of Human life... (no offense to animal lovers,,,...........

Yup Animals of Love !! Finding a mate for the animal in your life!! I really think this will be a hit.. How much lower can American TV go you ask?? Heh way lower than this I bet!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Forty something and looking....

Every where I turn this is the image of available men that I see, I am overwhelmed with disgust! Do you honestly think you are attractive like this? Am I supposed to swoon at your feet, overcome with lust? ((pukes at the thought)) Someone help me ! Is this all there is at this stage of the game? Some obese, farting ,burping,snarling he-man strutting his fat on a beach? Why is it that I keep myself slim, in shape, eating healthy, etc and this is what I have to look forward to? These are my choices Where are all those guys I see running, working out at he gym? I will be single forever at this rate!
Sybil's gonna stay in the cellar after running into this guy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

I have escaped..

(((raising my arms over my head)))) oh man I am free! finally able to break the bonds that tethered me to the sane rantings of another blog!!!!!!!!! Welcome to anyone who happens upon my ramblings, my rantings, my banter!!