Tuesday, June 9, 2009


OH no A Brett Michael's female version??
Just saw an ad for this....Oh please spare me from another Reality show WTF! What I wanna know is whose fuhking reality are they talking about? NOT MINE!!!!!!!!!! Nor anyone I know.... so who watches these trailer park STD spreadin' love fests anyway? And who the hell is Daisy?
Hysterically we have gone from the miss and mister goody two shoes of The Bachelor to the smut and slut of Rock of love and now Daisy! Oh I can almost see the promo now for the next rung of the ladder, since they've just about covered all the walks of Human life... (no offense to animal lovers,,,...........

Yup Animals of Love !! Finding a mate for the animal in your life!! I really think this will be a hit.. How much lower can American TV go you ask?? Heh way lower than this I bet!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ok, I love Animal Planet....I'd prolly watch Animals of Love.

